Your teeth are one of the first things people notice about you, and they can offer insights that affect how people view you. How much do you know about this indispensable part of your body? Our goal is to help you appreciate your teeth and the role they play in your overall health and well-being. What do you know about... read more »
Cavities are also known as tooth decay. They are damaged and decayed areas of the teeth that look like small holes. They are typically caused by bacterial and acidic substances that attack the teeth, wear down the enamel, and damage the teeth. There are many treatments available for cavities, and our dentist, Dr. Julia Gorelik, is happy to tell you... read more »
As this weather bears down on us and the nights become increasingly colder, I can’t help but be in the mood to cook something hearty and warm (yes, I can be a little melodramatic about the weather, but hey, I’m a Floridian, what do you expect)? As I now found Wildtree I find it easier and easier to cook. As... read more »
Valentine's Day is around the corner, and you want to flash your brightest smile. Unsightly tooth stains can appear for many reasons and cause you to feel self-conscious when you smile. Because a healthy-looking smile is important for your self-image, we'd like to share some common teeth-staining concerns and what you can do about them. Concern: Drinks such as coffee,... read more »
Were you aware that, just as the foods you regularly eat and the beverages you drink can have lasting effects on your overall health, so can the materials we use when providing you with dental care have a lasting effect on your overall well-being? Studies have shown that metals in the mouth can release toxins, including mercury, that can make... read more »
When you come into our dental practice for treatment, you can be assured that our holistic approach will take into account your overall health and well-being. While most dental practices focus on the areas that are above your neck, our dentist, Dr. Julia Gorelik looks at your whole body and how it affects to your mouth, and vice versa. When... read more »
As many of you face the same struggle I do, which is how can you eat organic other than your home? I always find myself in the predicament of cooking when I get home, or hoping I prepped a meal, or REALLY lucky if the husband whipped something up...BUT...y’all know in reality sometimes you just want to eat out! Let... read more »
A biological dentist proactively recognizes the connection between a patient’s mouth and body. This is why we work to help you avoid as many toxins as possible through holistic dental care and lifestyle choices that support health. Having been trained in biocompatible dentistry and as a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), Dr. Julia Gorelik... read more »
We are so excited to start a blog by us for us! The everyday life of going out to eat (not easy, if you know what I mean); grocery shopping, talking to my non-organic living friends/family (apparently we’re all nuts, lol), leaves me feeling so frustrated. I always end up spending two hours at the grocery store reading every label... read more »
This Christmas season, Gorelik Dentistry would like to present two holiday gift options today that are sure to make someone on your gift list smile! As you know, a beautiful smile can boost one's self-confidence and self-esteem in a big way. It is the perfect complement to boost one's overall appearance. This year, you can help your loved one (or... read more »