As with all our dental treatments, our aim is to ensure your smile improves your oral health and supplements your overall health. This goal is reflected in our porcelain dental veneers.

What are porcelain dental veneers?

As a rule, a dental veneer is an aesthetic dental treatment designed to improve the shape and appearance of your smile. Veneers are thin shells placed and sealed seamlessly over the surfaces of your teeth. Dr. Julia Gorelik specifically uses porcelain shells, which are safe and long lasting and can be matched to your natural tooth color.

What are the benefits of porcelain dental veneers?

Porcelain dental veneers are a fantastic solution for patients who struggle with gapped or uneven teeth. They can be used by our dentist and team to create a more uniform smile and can even be applied in a lighter shade if you would like to brighten the appearance of your teeth.

What does receiving porcelain veneers involve?

Dental veneer treatments usually only take one visit to Gorelik Holistic Dentistry. During your appointment with Dr. Gorelik, you will collaborate with our team to choose which teeth will receive a veneer. Our dentist will gently place, seal and shape your veneers to create a wholesome, beautiful smile.

Ready to receive your new porcelain dental veneers in Charlotte, North Carolina? Contact us at 704-553-1627 for an appointment.