Helping your smile be healthy is about more than just beauty. Every treatment we offer uses holistic materials and tools to provide you with a comfortable experience and a life-long solution. Our porcelain dental onlays do just that.
What are porcelain dental onlays?
Straddling the line between a cosmetic and restorative treatment, a dental onlay is a less intrusive alternative to traditional dental crowns that use a three dimensional “insert” or “onlay” to replace decayed tooth tissue. The insert, which is modeled after the original tooth structure, is made from a porcelain material, allowing for a smooth, long-lasting repair.
What are the benefits of porcelain dental onlays?
Because dental onlays are less invasive than a dental crown, Dr. Julia Gorelik can use this treatment to shape and mold the restoration with more accuracy and finesse. They can be placed in a variety of areas along the tooth and are made naturally with a porcelain material, which is a sustainable solution for whole-body health.
What does receiving a porcelain onlay involve?
Most dental onlay treatments take only one visit to complete. During this visit, a digital scan will be taken of your mouth, allowing our dentist and team to create a mold of the tooth that requires the onlay. The onlay is then created from the mold, shaped, polished and fitted into your mouth. Once cemented into place, a bite test is conducted to finalize any additional fittings for your restored smile.
If you think you may benefit from a porcelain dental onlay in Charlotte, North Carolina, call Gorelik Holistic Dentistry at 704-553-1627 today.