Dr. Gorelik’s Recommendations for National Hygiene Month

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October is Halloween as well as also National Dental Hygiene Month, where we focus on practicing good daily habits to avoid a scary smile the rest of the year.

The American Dental Association recommends the following three daily habits to prevent tooth decay and gum disease from invading your smile: brush, floss, rinse and chew, and Dr. Gorelik agrees. Let’s take a look at her personal recommendations for following the ADA’s advice on how to ensure a healthy, beautiful smile all year round.

Brush: Brushing at least twice a day is crucial in your fight against tooth decay. Dr. Gorelik recommends the Sonicare electric toothbrush because it has a proven track record for removing up to 10 times more plaque than a normal toothbrush. It is also 7 times healthier for your gums and leaves up to 100% fewer stains on your teeth after using it for just three days. That’s a lot of cleaning power with just one tool!

Floss: Flossing gets rid of plaque between your teeth and along the gumline, grabbing the bacterial film where your brush can’t reach. Dr. Gorelik recommends Cocofloss to clean those areas. Cocofloss uses hundreds of polyester and microfiber filaments to get rid of the plaque biofilm for cleaner teeth. It uses coconut oil which actually helps heal gum tissue and any bleeding you may have with your gums as you floss.

Oral Rinse: Rinsing after brushing and flossing reduce bacterial residue that leads to bad breath and gum disease. Dr. Gorelik highly recommends TRIOLOGY®, a mouth rinse with over 20 antioxidants to benefit your mouth and body. This rinse can also help you prevent dry mouth and gum disease. 

Implement these three healthy oral care tips and your smile will thank you! Please call our Gorelik Dentistry team in Charlotte, North Carolina at 704-553-1627 if you would like to learn more or schedule a visit.