Cosmetic Dentistry: Three Gifts for Your Smile

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At Gorelik Dentistry in Charlotte, North Carolina, Dr. Julia Gorelik and our team strive to give you a happy, healthy, and holistic smile. Your smile is one of your most valuable assets, so our goal is to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. We have three cosmetic treatments you can gift your smile.

Porcelain Veneers
Our dental veneers are very thin shells made of high-quality porcelain to improve your teeth cosmetically. These custom made shells fit over the front of your teeth to help crooked, broken, damaged, stained, or chipped teeth look natural again. Our porcelain shells look like natural tooth enamel, so your smile will look and feel natural. Whether you are looking for a small fix or a complete smile makeover, our porcelain veneers can improve the look and feel of teeth that are gapped, jagged, misshapen, or cracked.

Porcelain Onlays
We offer porcelain onlays to repair teeth damaged by tooth decay, trauma, etc. Not only are onlays extremely comfortable and natural looking, they allow you to feel confident in your improved smile, and restore your smile health and function.

Dr. Julia Gorelik custom designs each onlay to fit your smile seamlessly to ensure that the onlay blends in with your natural teeth. The onlay fits perfectly onto your tooth, matching your tooth’s natural shape and size. Our onlays can be used on the top of a tooth, in between teeth, and down to the gum line. Do you have a tooth with minor to moderate tooth decay, damage, or chipping? Our porcelain onlays may be the perfect choice for restoring your smile.

Zoom! Teeth Whitening

Our professional teeth whitening treatment is a quick, simple way to achieve a brighter smile. Gorelik Dentistry is pleased to offer ZOOM whitening for your convenience. This whitening gel, combined with an advanced whitening light quickly lightens your teeth. If your schedule doesn’t allow you to come in, we also offer take-home whitening options for you. With our teeth whitening system, you can be assured to receive superior results to visibly brighten your smile.

Dr. Julia Gorelik and our team in Charlotte, North Carolina, are excited to restore your smile cosmetically with our dental restorations and treatments. This holiday season, if you are looking to enhance your smile confidence with a whiter, brighter, appealing restoration simply call 704-553-1627 and schedule your dazzling smile!