Are You Satisfied With Your Smile?

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Did you know that Dr. Julia Gorelik can do an analysis on your smile to help you create the smile you have always wanted? With the help of modern technology, creating a healthy, beautiful smile is easier and more accessible than ever before. At Gorelik Dentistry, we offer a smile analysis for our patients living in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the surrounding areas.

By answering our Smile Analysis questions here  Dr. Gorelik can help you create a game plan for a new and improved smile. Let’s take a look at the kinds of things Dr. Gorelik evaluates:

— Checking the color and brightness of your teeth.

— Finding out if you have tooth sensitivity or a toothache in any of your teeth.

— Checking on the gaps in your smile due to missing teeth.

— How comfortable you are when you smile; do you smile confidently or are you embarrassed to show an open smile?

— Do you have trouble chewing food?

— Checking the condition of your gums.

— Checking the alignment of your teeth.

— Determining how satisfied you are with your smile and how it impacts your smile goals.

If you know you need improvements to your smile but are unsure of how to tackle your smile issues, Dr. Gorelik can help you embark on a game plan that will bring you the results you have always wanted. If you want to make changes to your life, your smile can actually help you reach those goals.

Your smile transformation begins with an analysis, creating a plan, and then making the changes happen. At Gorelik Dentistry, we know how important a healthy, beautiful smile can impact your life. Please call us today at 704-553-1627 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Julia Gorelik. We look forward to helping you create a smile that will change your life!