At Gorelik Holistic Dentistry, we understand even walking through the door of a dental office can make people feel anxious. That is why we are proud to offer sedation dentistry to make your dental experience less overwhelming, so you can receive the care you need. You may also benefit from sedation dentistry if you have a sensitive gag reflex or struggle to get numb with an anesthetic.
What is sedation dentistry?
Sedation dentistry uses medication to settle your nerves so you can feel more relaxed while we care for your smile. Our office has a few options available to choose from for your upcoming procedure. These include:
Which type of sedation is right for me?
Not sure which type of sedation you should ask for? No problem. Before we provide you with sedation, Dr. Julia Gorelik will share what each type entails and answer any questions you have. Our dentist and team will also review your medical history and talk about your comfort level to help you decide which type of sedation is right for you.
When will the sedation wear off?
While nitrous oxide wears off in only a few minutes, more deep forms of sedation that require you to swallow a pill will last anywhere from two to eight hours. Before you come in for your procedure, our dentist will provide a list of instructions on how to prepare yourself to receive sedation.
If you have any further questions about sedation dentistry in Charlotte, North Carolina, and would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Julia Gorelik, please contact us at 704-553-1627.