Our dental office is committed to providing our patients with safe, high-quality care. To facilitate this, we use advanced dental technology in Charlotte, North Carolina, for all our holistic services. Learn more about our equipment below:

What is dental technology?

As you may surmise, dental technology consists of the tools and equipment used in dental offices. This technology allows our dentist and team to view your mouth, make accurate diagnoses, create 3D models of your teeth for treatment planning, and of course, keep your teeth clean and healthy.

What are the benefits of holistic dental technology?

While traditional dental technology is designed to be safe, reliable and precise, holistic dental technology goes the extra mile by refraining from using certain substances and materials. We are proud to be a fluoride-free office — including our water! — and do not use metals, such as mercury and amalgam material, in our restorative treatments. Additionally, we are BPA (bisphenol A) free, which means our tools, equipment and products refrain from using this polycarbonate in the plastics and resins that we use at our office.

Dr. Julia Gorelik and our team are always happy to discuss our technology and techniques at Gorelik Holistic Dentistry with our patients. If you have any questions about our holistic dental technology, please call us at 704-553-1627 for an appointment.